Monday, May 4, 2009

Film Lists

I've created and destroyed so many lists of films I MUST SEE before I suffer further embarrassment in future conversations with fellow film majors and just film lovers in general. Of course, everyone has his or her own version of a "good film" and Im sure the list can go on forever if I were to take on every single movie someones claimed as "the movie that changed my life". However, there are some movies that EVERYONE seems to rave about. I've decided to post a new list on this blog so I can have a semi permanent version of it, which I can add to and cross off from respectively. I will add movies that I read about in my film history text books,that someone brings up in a class discussion, that I've always wanted to see but never seem to remember it at Blockbuster, or just random ones that I just FEEL like watching because I read/heard about it. Pretty much, anything goes on this list. The longer the better! (I will also include films I've recently watched but was on an initial list, that way I can have the instant, smug satisfaction of crossing off something from this list.)

Here goes:
All the Pretty Horses
American History X
Being John Malkovich
The Big Lebowski
Blue Velvet
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Death Proof
The Departed
The Elephant Man
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Garden State
The Godfather
Good Will Hunting
Internal Affairs
Lars and the Real Girl
La Vie en Rose
Little Children
Lost in Translation
Man with a Movie Camera
Mulholland Drive
Pulp Fiction
Rachel Getting Married
Resevoir Dogs
The Royal Tenenbaums
sex,lies and videotape
Stranger than Fiction
Stranger than Paradise
Vanilla Sky
Vicky Christina Barcelona
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
Wild at Heart

I think I will add categories by directors later...


Grace: said...

Amelie is pretty damn amazing and I can't believe you haven't seen it (LOL). I'm with you on renting Being John Malkovich - I MUST watch this! Garden State is meh (in my opinion - I know many who love it). Infernal Affairs is a must! :) But not too soon after The Departed or you won't be able to stop making comparisons. I liked Matchpoint but I don't know if you will. Royal Tenenbaums... hmm do you like Wes Anderson movies? I'm torn - sometimes it's weird, sometimes I find them hilarious. I haven't seen it in a long time though.


Manuela said...

On Wes Anderson: See, the thing is, I havent seen enough Wes Anderson movies to be able to judge whether I like "his" films or not. Im not very familiar with his style. Although I think I enjoyed Darjeeling Limited and found it funny enough. But I dont know how his other ones are. I will get back to you on this question after I've watched enough of his films. Perhaps I'll make an entire post about it since I've been asked this question so many friggin times!(Do I like Wes Anderson films)

Grace: said...

LOL haha I think it's because it's such a "film major" type question... all film people evidently must get asked if they like Wes Anderson. :P I must admit, I haven't seen much of him as well and what I have seen, was a long time ago. Let's use this summer to brush up on our film knowledge! :P Then we can espouse our opinions of Wes Anderson WHENEVER anyone asks! LOL